smallfunk is a label and publishing for the electronic works of
alex van heerden
with kate ehrhardt, paul miller, derek gripper and magnus johansson.
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”Droëland is a place which exists, and yet seems to be a suspension of reality. Deep in the ‘Kouebokkeveld’ desert’s mountains, inaccessible to cars, electricity, logic and stability, Droëland inhabitants walk the slow, fine line between khoisan shamanism and socio-economic despair. Their mythologies are inseparable from daily life: mermaids, shape-shifting snakes and ‘tokoloshes’ inhabit all corners of Droëland”
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released april 12, 2017:

now available in selected stores:
Norman Records, world wide
Mabu Vinyl, Cape Town
Bibliophilia, Cape Town
Petsounds, Stockholm
ImageMovement, Berlin
this site is being deconstructed. more smallfunk sounds here:
bandcamp (with digital download)
or here:
get in touch: info at smallfunk dot com
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